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RadialGradient class has the following properties:

  • colors, stops, tile_mode, rotation - see LinearGradient for description of these properties.
  • center - An instance of Alignment class. The center of the gradient, as an offset into the (-1.0, -1.0) x (1.0, 1.0) square describing the gradient which will be mapped onto the paint box. For example, an alignment of (0.0, 0.0) will place the radial gradient in the center of the box.
  • radius - The radius of the gradient, as a fraction of the shortest side of the paint box. For example, if a radial gradient is painted on a box that is 100.0 pixels wide and 200.0 pixels tall, then a radius of 1.0 will place the 1.0 stop at 100.0 pixels from the center.
  • focal - The focal point of the gradient. If specified, the gradient will appear to be focused along the vector from center to focal.
  • focal_radius - The radius of the focal point of gradient, as a fraction of the shortest side of the paint box. For example, if a radial gradient is painted on a box that is 100.0 pixels wide and 200.0 pixels tall, then a radius of 1.0 will place the 1.0 stop at 100.0 pixels from the focal point.

More information:

Example of usage

colors=[ft.colors.YELLOW, ft.colors.BLUE],