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border.Border class has the following properties describing 4 sides of the rectangle:

  • top
  • right
  • bottom
  • left

Each side of the border is described by an instance of border.BorderSide class. The value of border property is an instance of border.Border class describing all 4 sides of the rectangle. Helper methods available to set border styles:

  • border.all(width, color)
  • border.symmetric(vertical: BorderSide, horizontal: BorderSide)
  • border.only(left: BorderSide, top: BorderSide, right: BorderSide, bottom: BorderSide).

For example:

container_1.border = ft.border.all(10, ft.colors.PINK_600)
container_1.border = ft.border.only(bottom=ft.border.BorderSide(1, "black"))